・ Contact ・

Hey! So, you want to talk, huh? Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to get the code on making a contact form (my bad) in this page, but you can comment anywhere! :) We welcome suggestions, questions, clarifications and most importantly, corrections!!! Let's help each other be better. 

There's plenty of grammatical/spelling errors (I'm pulling the "I'm not a native English speaker" card! haha), links that no longer work, and a million other things. I try to double check, but some of the posts I've written months ago, some of the posts I've written at two am after having a lot of Japanese sour. 

Either way, just go to any post (even here), leave a comment,  OR message me in instagram! (https://www.instagram.com/lostfilipina/)

It might take a while to reply, as I might be out on another adventure, preparing for the next blog post. ;)


  1. Nice blog. The google table is super handy! You've really done a lot of research. I have a car and it makes logistics a lot easier for sure. If you're looking for a hiking partner, feel free to message me.

    1. Thank you, yeah I had to do all the research because there's not a lot of resources available.

      Would love to join you on your hikes! Please let me know if you have any planned! I met someone on a hike at Shirouma and we are planning on doing Takatsuma in Nagano soon if you are interested too. Don't know how to message you, but if you have instagram you can connect with me directly there?

  2. Hi! How do you rate your 1-5 difficulty? We were hoping to see some listed mountains in the Philippines to use as a reference but there were none :(. Any chance you could do a quick criteria? Like 1 is a walk in the park and 5 is scrambling up the mountain? Thanks!

    1. my dear friend said 1 is a stroll and 5 is a slog. >.<

      i'll be honest with you and i actually do not have clear definition. if I think i about it now
      1. stroll
      2. not quite a stroll, but not a decent hike either
      3. decent stretch for a hike, meaning normally 5-6 hours, 1,000m ish elevation gain? Decent level of fitness required.
      4. NOT for beginners. with some technical points
      5. NOT for beginners. you better know what you're doing, or you've got the physical and mental endurance

    2. No worries thanks for the reply! Still very useful information. :)

  3. Thank you for maintaining such a beautiful website! Its extremely useful to plan my treks. I recently trekked upon Shirouma-dake taking inspiration from you.
    Keep going and looking forward to many more adventures!

    1. Thank you! Hope you had a much better weather than I did.

  4. Hi Lost Filipina, amazing! you are a woman after my own heart. I do the same thing with the google sheet in terms of keeping a sheet full of metadata. Wanted to tell you I saw your post on Osorezan. There is actually a hiking trail. I think you mentioned you had asked and there was no trail however in the video on youtube that I am about to post, I will show the trail route at the end. My email is also kazan@volcanicjapan.com

    1. oh, that's great! Hope you had a great hike in the area. I wish I was able to.

  5. Hello, I'm Neil from The Backpack Adventures. I stumbled upon your blog while searching for hiking trails in Hokkaido. It's great to come across an article about hiking written by a fellow Filipino. Keep up the good work! More power to you!

  6. Hey Cecilia, we loved your blog and would like to collaborate :)
    What's the best way to reach you?


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